Cyber Cocktails

During the 2020 pandemic, local businesses were faced with the challenge of survival. Restaurants and bars were hit hardest. To connect to their community and stay afloat, online events were created. 

Cyber Cocktails is an online event series with participating local restaurants. Customers can choose their cocktail kit from one of the businesses and then login to an online event showing how to make the cocktail. This runs for four weeks and they would sign in once a week. 

The project includes a landing page where the customers sign up, social posts announcing the event and packaging for the cocktail kit.

Designed in Photoshop

The color palette was chosen to give a moody feeling, like being in a dimly lit cocktail lounge with pops of lighted accents. The colors are bold, attractive and modern in reflection of the participating establishments. 

social media posts announcing the event

package design for cocktail kit

landing page